速報APP / 教育 / CBEST Exam Prep - 2018

CBEST Exam Prep - 2018


檔案大小:23.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


CBEST Exam Prep - 2018(圖1)-速報App

The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) is a standardized test administered throughout the state of California and Oregon for individuals who want to teach at public schools and gain a credential. The test is designed to provide information about basic proficiency in reading, mathematics, and writing.

The test is divided into three sections; the reading and math sections each contain 50 multiple-choice questions, while the writing section consists of two essay questions. The test must be completed in four hours, but test-takers may use that time to work on any or all of the three sections.

App Features:

• 2018 Latest Update

• Two Exam Modes: Virtual Mode, and Study Mode

• Quick Knowledge Mode

• Review Your Answers

• Well Researched Questions

• Auto Save Exam

• Progress Log

CBEST Exam Prep - 2018(圖2)-速報App

• Smart Filters

• Create Custom Exams

• Bookmark Questions

• Based on 2018 Syllabus

• Unique Questions

• No Additional Purchases or Subscriptions

• No Internet Connection is required

• Free Feature Updates

• Highest Passing Rate!


CBEST Exam Prep - 2018(圖3)-速報App


Learn & Train is Not Affiliated With Respected Testing Agency, Test/Exam Name or Any Trademark.

CBEST Exam Prep - 2018(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad